Keeping Your Air Conditioning Working All Summer Long
Summer may be drawing to a close, but it’s still hot enough in most areas of the country to make the idea of turning on a furnace almost laughable. Yet that’s exactly what you should be doing now because you need time in case your furnace needs repairs. You don’t have to run the furnace for a long time, but you should have a furnace repair company inspect it now so that you know you’ll have heat when cold weather arrives. Read More»
There are times when you wonder if your home needs a new air conditioner, especially now that it’s the middle of summer and sweltering outdoor temperatures are giving your current A/C unit a tough workout. Deciding on a new A/C system can be a hard call, which is why you should consider the following signs.
1. Your A/C No Longer Cools Properly
After years of cooling like a champ, your A/C system suddenly finds cooling your entire home to be a challenge. Read More»
The warm weather is here and on its way, depending on where in the country you live. If you are turning your air conditioning on for the first time but you are not sure it is working properly, that can be remedied. Here is how you can find out before you invite the AC technician over.
Switching Your Thermostat to “Fan Only” Changes Nothing
You may feel cool air blowing through the vents but not much of a reduction in temperature in your home. Read More»
If you are getting tired of having a hot home in the summer, the best solution is to install air conditioning. However, there are multiple methods that you can use to cool down your home. Here are some reasons to use central air conditioning as your cooling method of choice.
Unobtrusive Components
One of the main benefits of using central air conditioning is that the components are very unobtrusive for the most part. Read More»
If you have a big office with a number of employees, your profits can be impacted by how well you take care of the office space. When the environment is hot and stuffy, your employees are going to be unmotivated to work. Good air conditioning maintenance involves getting your system serviced before you need to use it daily to keep the office cool. In addition, you will need to know how to change out air filters and have your system checked periodically for efficiency. Read More»